The Student Accounts Office is responsible for managing your tuition account, student holds, payment plans, and special payment arrangements. The office can be reached at or However, many questions and concerns can be addressed first with the Stars Connect team, Lewis Hall (Suite 115).  The Stars Connect can also take payments for your tuition by cash, check, convenience checks from a credit card company or money order, and can cash personal checks, up to $50.00. So that payments are handled more securely, payments by credit card (for example, Visa, Mastercard, Discover) must be made on-line. These offices are available to assist in managing your tuition account so do not hesitate to email, stop by, or give us a call. 

Office Location 

Stars Connect is located in Lewis Hall, Suite 115; 

Student Accounts Office is located in Lewis Hall, Suite 234 (Krystle Noel, Associate Director of Accounts Receivable|, or Jennifer Talarico, Accounts Resolution Specialist |



Office Hours 

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

University Main Campus

7900 West Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305