Mixed Paper

  • All paper including colored
  • Envelopes, magazines, newspapers, manila files folders
  • Post-its, phone books
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Food boxes, juice boxes, milk and juice cartons

*Not necessary to remove staples and paperclips from paper before recycling.

Cans, Plastic & Glass

  • All plastic containers with *PETE (#1) and HDPE (#2), 3, 4, 5, & 7 symbols underneath
  • Aluminum, tin, steel, and aerosol cans
  • All glass bottles and jars

*Please rinse all recycled containers.


  • Plastic bags, plastic wrap
  • #6 plastic
  • Appliances, electronics, batteries, or computer parts
  • Styrofoam
  • Anything with food residue
  • Wax coated boxes
  • Light bulbs, mirrors, clothing hangers
  • Ring binders, colored file folders, & bound books (with glue binding).
  • Laminated paper, paper towels, napkins or facial tissues
  • Miscellaneous metals including wire and tools
  • Cookware: including pots and pans, dishes and drinking glasses.
  • Carpet and chemical containers
  • Motor oil bottles.

Recycle Plastic with These Symbols:

Do NOT Recycle Plastic with This Symbol:

Garbage and recycling is collected together daily.

In the large bins, there are black bags for recycling and white bags for trash.

The bags are separated into two different compactors: one for trash and one for recycling and cardboard.

Finally, the garbage service (Veolia) picks up the garbage and recycling in two separate trucks.


Separate trash cans for paper, glass/bottles, and waste.
Office supplies, such as ink cartridges and paper, are recycled.

Pepper Construction diverted up to 75% of construction waste from landfill with their construction waste management plan on the Parmer Hall project.

v Rubble from the demolition of the West Science Building was sorted into piles by material type and recycled where possible.