Go ahead and order that awesome mug or T-shirt, but don’t manipulate or distort the Dominican University logo and stay true to the brand voice. All brand guidelines apply to swag just as they do printed material. The logo can get complicated in small spaces, so you might need to use the secondary line logo in select placements. We don’t regulate these items, but Marketing & Communications is happy to review your promotional item. We also don’t place orders, but we recommend the following vendors, who are established with the university – it’s good to get an estimate from multiple vendors before committing to an order.
Blue Sky: Ginny Siegel, GSiegel@buybluesky.com
Elite: Brian Wilmsmeyer, Brian@elitepromo.com
Custom Promos: Johnny, johnnyp@custompromos.com
Newport Promos: Dona Blunt, Dona.Blunt@newportpros.com
Knock Knock: Paul, pm8762@sbcglobal.net